I am so excited to share my next big thing with you. I started a wedding podcast! On A Joy Filled Moment I share tips and tricks, stories about the wedding day, vendor recommendations and so much more. I want this podcast to be a place that you can learn all about weddings, ask questions, hear about the people who will be involved in your big day and have fun. I am excited for you to listen along while I explore the world of weddings!

The podcast episodes we have planned are so full of information for your wedding. I really take the time to break down the different parts of preparing for a wedding as well as, each part of the wedding day. I prefer to learn in bite sized pieces. Which is why I have loved breaking the whole wedding process down to small bits of information and really showing you how and why certain things are set up the way they are or how to get the most out of a part of your wedding.
Why I Love Podcasting About Weddings
The best part of podcasting about weddings is being able to share my journey with you. So many little things happen at weddings where I tear up or have a moment with a couple and I just want to be able to tell everyone about those things along the way. I can’t wait to have you along on my journey.
If you have anything you would like to hear about on my wedding podcast let me know! I created this podcast to be able to serve you and I want to answer all your questions. For your enjoyment, here is the trailer. To view on Spotify click here. I would love for you to follow along and let me know what you think in a review!